dreamingformeaning.com - the best dream dictionary is free online source for dream interpretation by spiritual, psychological, general aspects and with dream meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Start your journey of uncovering the meanings of your dreams here:
Good life if see vat full of water – The full vat of water in the dream shows that you always have access to a wealth and wisdom because you did wonderful decisions which now bring you satisfaction and good life;
Good opportunity if see empty vat – The dream indicates that you have a good possibility to fill yourself with wisdom and wealth in the near future.
Hindu (Hinduism)
New things if see vat – The vat as a dream symbol indicates that you are ready to accept new issues in your life and to fill your life with new experiences.
Arabian (Islamic)
Happy life if vat full of water – The dream when you see a vat with water announces that you will reach the highest position at work and satisfaction of your life.